The Center for Ethiopian Jewish Heritage holds a series of online sessions open to the general public free of charge. At each session, we invite a guest lecturer to speak. The session is an hour and a half in length and includes a lecture and discussion with the audience. Throughout the sessions, the public is introduced to the history, culture, and heritage of Ethiopian Jewry from a range of angles and approaches. In addition to lectures by top speakers specializing in Ethiopian Jewry, we also encourage new scholars to present their research on the Online Academia platform.
Among the participants in the Online Academia program to date: Kes Samai Elias, Professor Haggai Erlich, Dr. Dov Goldflam, Dr. Anbessa Teferra, Dr. Shula Mola, Dr. Germaw Mengistu, Amra (Amram) Aklum, Shoshana Ben Dor, and Asher Mekonent Rachamim. We invite you to join the next sessions of the Online Academia program and to watch recordings of past sessions on the YouTube channel of the Center for Ethiopian Jewish Heritage.

Dr Shula Mola, “I am completely ordinary"