ADIS ZAMEN አዲስ ሰዓት - Ethiopian Jewry Heritage Center
The Ethiopian Jewry Heritage Center

ADIS ZAMEN አዲስ ሰዓት

Launch date: 2021-03-18 00:00
Treasure name: Carmel Goffer
Chosen exhibition
About the exhibition
ADIS ZAMEN አዲስ ሰዓት (The New Time)

Opening of this exhibition was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which arrived in Israel in the winter and has since influenced every aspect of our lives. The pandemic drew the public’s attention away from the struggle of people of Ethiopian descent against the over-policing, discrimination, and racism that many of its members experience.
In 2019, two young men who were members of the community were killed by police fire. Yehuda Biadga was killed in Bat Yam and Solomon Teka was killed on June 30 in Kiryat Yam. The officer who shot Yehuda Biadga claimed that his life was in danger when Biadga stepped toward him holding a knife; the officer who shot Solomon Teka fired next to his legs in order to warn him not to throw the rock that was in his hand. He was charged with negligent homicide. These two incidents were not the first in which young members of the community experienced over-policing, with fatal results. The death of Solomon Teka aroused a new wave of protests and rallies throughout the country against over-policing and shooting at young people of Ethiopian descent.

About the author
Group Exhibition
Elazar Tamno, Antnash Yalao, Wodj Meleka, Tal Magos, Tasfai Tagnia, Limor Argahi Mengisto, Eden Deste, Rachel Anyo, Shimon Wanda, Sara Yitzchak